My Ideal Programming Language
As an armchair programming language design philosopher, I have a lot of opinions about programming languages. Over time I've decided what features I like, what features I don't like, sometimes with well thought out reasons, sometimes based on "vibes". I also have strong feelings on what should be in a standard library (vs ecosystem libraries, or libraries maintained by the language maintainers). Finally I also have an ever-developing philosophy on how a language's designers / implimenters should think about.
Design Philosophy
- Optimize for reading and understanding code over writing code.
- Never underestimate the value of making things discoverable.
- The less visual context needed to know something, the better.
- "Once you know, you know" style things are good when enforced, and less good when by convention.
- The above includes runtime stuff!
- Take good error messaging seriously from the start
- Simplicity is a value.
- And is distinct from terseness.
Good Features
- Immutability to the core
- to the level of "the language can safely assume no data in memory that is referenced ever changes"
- Static typing
- Real types
- types with the same underlying type / data representation are distinct
- Duck typing
- Go's interfaces are my favorite
- Unsure on exposing values also (i.e. Typescript)
- Multiple return values
- Tuples are fine
- But we can use sugar to make tuples way better to use
- Destructuring / pattern matching
- Gleam is so good
- Javascript / Typescript are pretty good too
- Errors as values
- Enums
- Option type is way better than null
- Result type is better than multiple return values (for errors)
- Unsure about general unions
- So far I really like Gleam's implimentation
- Type inferencing
- 100% on "return type" inferencing, i.e. Gleam, TypeScript
- 50% on "call site" inferencing, i.e. Haskell (I think?)
- Coroutines as a primitive (fight me)
- Unsure on Go style "fire and forget" vs erlang / elixer ownership / signaling
from Go
Bad Features
- Exceptions
- Even Go's panic has me iffy
- Maybe just for things like divide by zero?
- Goto, not even once